2024 | Workshops

All workshops must meet a minimum enrollment no later than October 31st. Any workshop that hasn’t met the minimum enrollment by October 31 will be cancelled and all fees refunded. Workshops require separate registration and are not included in conference fees.




Full Day | Separate Registration Required
16mm Bolex Filmmaking Workshop
Caleb Allison

The goal of this workshop is to familiarize experienced filmmakers and novices alike in the technical and artistic process of 16mm filmmaking using the Bolex H16 Reflex camera. Participants will then plan and shoot what is commonly referred to as a camera-roll film. This silent film will be created in small groups of three using one 100’ roll of 16mm film, with all edits occurring in-camera and without the benefit of editing after the shoot. While some filmmaking knowledge may be beneficial in attending this workshop it’s certainly not necessary. Anyone can learn the fundamentals of 16mm filmmaking and be a FILMmaker!

Full Day | Separate Registration Required
Film Restoration Essentials for Small Archives and Non-Profits
Fabio Bedoya, Filmworkz

Join us for a comprehensive workshop on film restoration, designed to empower small archives and non-profit organizations with the knowledge to perform complete restorations. We will explore accessible tools and technologies that ensure the integrity and quality of historical films. The workshop will introduce machine learning tools for color recovery and frame replacement, making advanced restoration techniques available to institutions with limited resources. Our instructor brings extensive experience in digital intermediates and film restoration from various international projects, including collaborations with major studios and independent filmmakers. Participants will learn cost-effective restoration methods that do not compromise on quality. This workshop is intended for individuals with a basic understanding of video editing or digital intermediate processes. It aims to enhance participants’ skills in film preservation, ensuring that our cinematic heritage is preserved for future generations.

Half Day | Separate Registration Required
Whisper AI Captioning and Transcription for Beginners
Nina Rao, Emory University
Simon O’Riordan, Emory University

This workshop will guide users through the installation and use of Whisper on Mac and PC hardware, modification of Whisper output using the CADET editing tool, assessing the accuracy of Whisper’s outputs, and packaging the Whisper files with their accompanying media files in a user-facing repository. Specific topics to be covered include installation of software dependencies, configuration settings to optimize Whisper’s performance, command line usage, modifications to the default Whisper software, and known strengths and weaknesses of the Whisper software. No prior command line knowledge is needed. By the end of the session, attendees will have the basic tools and knowledge to use Whisper and a basic understanding of its strengths and weaknesses and issues to consider with implementing Whisper.

Half Day | Separate Registration Required
Curating AV Digital Exhibits with Annotations and IIIF
Tanya Clement, University of Texas

AVAnnotate is an application and a workflow, designed by Dr. Tanya Clement and Brumfield Labs, which allows users to build digital exhibits of annotated audiovisual artifacts. AVAnnotate is free to use and leverages resources such as GitHub and the IIIF (International Interoperable Image Framework) standard, making it well suited for archivists and librarians promoting standardized modes of accessibility and discovery with audiovisual archival collections held at libraries, museums, archives (LAMs), and other cultural heritage institutions. The workshop seeks to add to the digital toolkit for LAM professionals and researchers and to spark conversation about the changing nature of LAM AV archival practices for access and discovery. Workshop leaders will teach by showcasing example AVAnnotate exhibits by showing the process used to create projects using recordings from the Gloria Anzaldúa collection at the LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections and the Stella Adler film collection at the Harry Ransom Center.

Full Day | Separate Registration Required
Legacy Equipment: Maintenance & Repair Workshop

With a focus on four common video decks, this full-day pre-conference workshop will cover maintenance, simple fixes, and diagnosing problems. Attendees will have the chance to work hands-on with the playback machinery, working with specialists on each type of deck, and have the opportunity to ask questions of repair experts.




Full Day | Separate Registration Required
Community Archiving Workshop

Community Archiving Workshop (CAW) provides moving image archivists the opportunity to serve the community of Tulsa and work with local volunteers to help an organization gain intellectual and physical control over an endangered audiovisual collection. The workshop provides a space for conference attendees to partner with local volunteers to conduct basic processing, cataloging and inspection and, by doing so, will learn how to identify risk factors and make preservation recommendations. Attendees will gain experience in working with and training non-archivists to care for their collections. In the process, they will engage in hands-on processing, inspecting, and cataloging audiovisual media.

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