AMIA 2020 Peer Review Guidelines

The goal of the Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to the wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit. In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we have urged proposers to use the conference sessions as an opportunity to include new voices and offer diverse viewpoints.

Each reviewer receives a package of information that includes the evaluation criteria and the conference proposals for review. We ask that you provide comments and feedback on at least eight proposals within your area(s) of expertise.

  • Please do not review any proposal that you are involved in or has been proposed by a close colleague.
  • Please do not review any proposal(s) that fall outside your area(s) of expertise unless you note that in the comments.
  • The Review form accepts one proposal per form, and once you click “submit” the form will route you to a new form for the next proposal.

Peer Review includes evaluating the overall quality of the proposal and considering these questions:

  • Is there new information being presented?
  • Is the topic timely? Does it reflect current discussions in the field?
  • Is there an effort to bring in new voices and diverse viewpoints on the subject?
  • How broad an audience does this topic speak to?
  • Has the topic been discussed already or been repeated frequently?
  • Is there a speaker listed that is crucial to the success of the panel?
  • If a single presenter, does the proposal outline a clear perspective?
  • If a panel presentation, is this a balanced point of view presented or are there other areas to be considered?
  • Is this session or workshop hindered by the virtual environment?


Other Considerations

  • Speakers may only speak at two sessions during the conference. In the case of multiple proposals, comments about speakers are critical, especially when a speaker is essential to the success of a proposal.
  • Sessions should appeal to a number of attendees – please consider how broad or narrow a topic might be.
  • If there are proposals that you feel overlap with others, please note it in your comments.
  • While the Conference Committee can work with session chairs on minor changes to their proposals, if a proposal requires significant changes please note that in your comments.

Content Balance

The Committee uses the notes from peer review to program a balance of sessions and workshop topics.  Please note what general areas the proposal speaks to – the categories are, but aren’t limited to:

Advocacy/Outreach Digital Media Operations/Leadership
Access Digital Asset Mgmt. Preservation
Case Study Education Programming/Curatorial
Cataloging/Metadata Film History Solutions/Problem Solving
Collections Content Film Technology
Development/Fundraising Legal/Copyright/Privacy


If you have questions, please contact us at


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