AMIA 2023 Call for Posters

The AMIA 2023Conference Committee is pleased to invite additional submissions  for poster presentations. A poster presentation is one in which information is summarized using texts and images, and presented in a poster format. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your repository, a digitization project, a research project or other initiative, and share your work with your colleagues.

The Poster Sessions are scheduled for Thursday, November 16 and Friday, November 17th in the Pavilion area at the conference hotel. There will be tables by each poster station for handouts or other materials. Posters will also be featured on the website after the conference.

Your submission must include a title and an abstract for the program (150 words).



The deadline for submissions is:  October 15 at 5:00pm (PDT).  Poster presenters will be notified by October 18th.
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