ASN Submission Form


The AMIA Conference will be virtual this year,
and so will Archival Screening Night!

But here’s more! In addition to the November online conference, AMIA is planning an online Spring 2021 event and there will be an ASN component to that as well. We will also be putting together another Roadshow edition of ASN that will be available to the public via screenings and (hopefully!) broadcast.

Archival Screening Night provides conference participants with an opportunity to showcase recent acquisitions, preservation efforts, and unique collection items.

Submissions for AMIA 2020 in November: Conference participants interested in submitting material for screening should complete this form no later than Friday, October 2nd. Archival Screening Night participants will be contacted the week of October 12th to confirm their participation. You must be attending the conference to be considered.

The Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 editions of Archival Screening Night will not be open to the public.

The 2021 AMIA Archival Screening Night Roadshow will be public and we are hoping once again to have it shown on Turner Classic Movies, so please note this before you submit for the program. You will need to own the rights or it needs to be in the public domain. For more information on the Roadshow please visit

Due to the nature of these three events, all submissions will have to be digital.

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• A prerecorded video introduction (with burned-in captions, if possible) is preferred.

• Preferred file specifications:

  • QuickTime / MP4-wrapped H.264 OR QuickTime ProRes 4:2:2
  • Size limit: 10GB or smaller
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (16:9). Pillar-boxing should be applied to all 4:3 works.
  • Color Space: Rec. 709 (HDTV, broadcast-safe)
  • Scanning: Progressive (Note: De-interlacing should be applied to all standard-definition works originally intended for analog broadcast television systems and interlaced display devices,such as CRT monitors)
  • Audio: MONO or STEREO (mixed) tracks
  • Data rate: 640 kbps (minimum)

• Submissions must be no longer than six (6) minutes in length, including your brief introduction (you may talk over your submission if it is silent).

• All digital file submissions must be made available to the Archival Screening Night technical team no later than October 25 to enable your files to be checked and prepped for projection.

• All digital files must be of the exact content you wish to present. Do not include a countdown or color bars unless it is part of the piece. Please make sure that any subtitles, opening or closing titles fit within the image area of your piece.

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• Do not submit to Archival Screening Night any material that you are presenting as part of another screening or panel during the conference.

• You must be attending the annual conference in order to be included in Archival Screening Night.

• Some priority will be given to first time applicants, applicants who were not selected in the previous year’s ASN, and works with a connection to the region in which the conference is held.

• Technical capabilities will determine some programming choices. Submission of material on interesting or unusual media is not discouraged.

• Resubmission of material not selected in past years is both permitted and encouraged!

• For ASN Roadshow, resubmission of favorite material selected in past ASN events is permitted.


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