Call for Peer Reviewers

Peer review is a critical part of a successful AMIA Conference. Every year, a team of Peer Reviewers assess proposals, offer comments, and evaluate each submission for perspective, relevancy, expertise, and balance to assure the best possible Conference program. Involving AMIA members in this appraisal guarantees a wide range of expertise and perspective in the programming process.

The Conference Committee seeks volunteers to serve on this year’s Peer Review Panel. Each panelist will review and provide comments on a minimum of 15 proposals (an estimated 3-4 hour time commitment). While there is a standard template for each evaluation, thoughtful comments are an essential part of each review.

The Peer Review Panel will receive proposal packets and review information by May 20th. The deadline for submitting feedback is June 3rd.

Would you consider becoming a Peer Reviewer?  We would welcome your professional input. Please select your areas of expertise (listed below) so that we can assign the proposals appropriately. If you’ve put forward a proposal, you can still participate! All we ask is that you not provide comments on any proposal you are involved in. 

Areas of expertise:  Advocacy, Access, Cataloging/Metadata, Collections Management, Copyright/Rights Management, Development, Digital Media, Digital Asset Management, Education, Film, Film History, Magnetic Media, New Technology, Policy, Preservation, Programming/Curatorial, Operations/Leadership, Solutions/Problem Solving, Standards, Technology

Please contact Tara Kelley, Lindy Leong, and Dan Wagner at by Thursday, May 9th if you are willing to review proposals, or if you have any questions about the process.

Thank you!

Tara Kelley and Lindy Leong
Conference Chairs

Daniel Wagner
Conference Program Chair 

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