Conference Travel Grants

Conference Travel Grants

The AMIA/SFSFF Travel Grant and the AMIA Community Fund Travel Grants offer reimbursement of up to $1,000 for travel and other expenses but differ slightly in the full package.  You may apply for both grants, but must apply separately and the statement information is different for each application. Thank you to the San Francisco Silent Film Festival; a Western Digital Brand; Roundabout Entertainment, and DigiPres Labs for support of...

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AMIA 2017 Room Share

AMIA 2017 Room Share

For those 2017 AMIA Conference participants who are interested in sharing accommodation in New Orleans, AMIA will maintain a list of attendees searching for roommates. You will be emailed a copy of the list so that you may contact potential roommates directly. Please try to submit your information as early as possible while appropriate room accommodations are still available. We strongly suggest any room reservations be made by October 21. ...

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Information for Session & Workshop Chairs

Information for Session & Workshop Chairs

Thank you for serving as a Session Chair for the 2017 Annual Conference! The sessions and workshops are the heart of the conference.  With more than 120 speakers and presenters that means you – the Session Chair(s) – are one of the most important parts of a successful conference.    The Conference Committee and your program coordinator are committed to helping you in any way we can to make your session or workshop as smooth and easy...

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Conference Proposals FAQ

Conference Proposals FAQ

Call for Proposals 2017 Proposal Form Information Session FAQ The goal of the Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to the wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit.  In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we urge proposers to use the conference sessions as...

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