2018 Session & Workshop Chair Information

2018 Session & Workshop Chair Information

    Thank you for serving as a Session Chair for the 2018 Annual Conference! The sessions and workshops are the heart of the conference.  With more than 120 speakers and presenters that means you – the Session Chair(s) – are one of the most important parts of a successful conference.    The Conference Committee and your program coordinator are committed to helping you in any way we can to make your session or workshop as...

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Proposal Review FAQ

Proposal Review FAQ

Who reviews session and workshop proposals? All proposals are peer-reviewed by a panel chosen from the AMIA membership, including representatives from each AMIA Committee, who possess a broad range of expertise.  For Stream proposals, the Stream Curators review all proposals and review all comments from peer review before determining sessions to be accepted into each Stream. What does Peer Review consider? Peer reviewers comment on the overall...

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AMIA 2018 Call for Proposals

AMIA 2018 Call for Proposals

The AMIA Conference Committee Invites Proposal Submissions for Papers, Sessions and Workshops For the 2018 Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon November 28 – December 1, 2018   The 2018 Call for Proposals is closed.   The goal of the AMIA Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to a wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that stimulate additional...

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Submit a Proposal for AMIA 2018

Submit a Proposal for AMIA 2018

The goal of the Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to the wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit. In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we urge proposers to use the conference sessions as an opportunity to include new voices and offer diverse...

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AMIA 2018 Proposal Form Information

AMIA 2018 Proposal Form Information

  The goal of the AMIA Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to a wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that stimulate additional interest, involvement, and educational benefit. In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we urge proposers to use AMIA Conference sessions as an opportunity to include new voices and offer diverse...

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2018 Session/Workshop Proposal FAQ

2018 Session/Workshop Proposal FAQ

The goal of the AMIA Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to a wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that stimulate additional interest, involvement, and educational benefit. In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we urge proposers to use AMIA Conference sessions as an opportunity to include new voices and offer diverse...

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2018 Conference Committee

2018 Conference Committee

The AMIA Conference Committee is a Committee of the Board, responsible for developing the content of each year’s conference as well as for the planning of the annual event. In coordination with the steering committee, fellow committees, and the AMIA staff, this includes  scheduling conference sessions, conference events, workshops, and vendor relations. In 2017, the Committee added the Program Group to the committee structure.  The...

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