Sustaining the Profession Session

Friday | 4:45pm – 5:45pm Sustaining The Profession: Continuing Education, Professional Advocacy, and Equity Yvonne Ng, Witness, Moderator In 2019 the National Film Preservation Board funded a report on diversity, equity and inclusion in the audiovisual archives field.  Working in collaboration with the NFPB’s Diversity Task Force, AMIA fielded a survey for members and the broader archives community gathering data on age, race/ethnicity, sexual...

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Vote for Pop-Up Sessions at AMIA 2018!

Vote for Pop-Up Sessions at AMIA 2018!

Pop-Up Sessions offer an opportunity to present a topic that has “popped up” after the proposal deadline; it also offers an opportunity for members to choose sessions of interest that might not already be part of the program. The Program Committee invites your vote on which Pop-Up sessions you would most like to see presented at the conference. Please vote for up to three proposals. The three proposals with the most votes will be presented as...

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We Are AMIA Call for Lyrics!

We Are AMIA Call for Lyrics!

In the words of Snowden Becker, the keynote at AMIA 2018, “I think we’ve found our anthem!”. AMIA would like to feature your community, committee, archive, special interest group, etc. in the AMIA song. This is a chance for you to join in the celebration and declare “yes, WE ARE AMIA!” (there’s already a punk version in the works!) Submit your lyrics by July 31st. Up to three winners will be chosen to have...

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Peer Review

Overview [pdf] Guidelines [pdf] Form Instructions [pdf] Online Peer Review Form   The goal of the Conference is to present a broadly-based program that speaks to the wide range of attendees with a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit. In keeping with ongoing membership discussions about diversity and inclusion, we have urged proposers to...

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Thank you for your Poster Proposal!

    In the next few days you will receive a confirmation that your proposal is complete and has been received. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the AMIA Office or the Conference Committee Program Chairs.

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Thank you for your Pop-Up Session proposal!

  In the next few days you will receive a confirmation that your proposal is complete and has been received. Three sessions will be selected based on an online vote of AMIA members (i.e., not by the Program Committee). You will be notified of the vote results by September 24th. Timeline September 6, 2018 – Proposal Deadline September 21, 2018 – Voting Ends September 24, 2018 – Session notifications If you have any questions,...

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2017 Conference Committee

The AMIA Conference Committee is a Committee of the Board, responsible for developing the content of each year’s conference as well as for the planning of the annual event. In coordination with the steering committee, fellow committees, and the AMIA Office, this includes  scheduling conference sessions, conference events, workshops, and vendor relations. In 2017, the Committee added the Program Group to the committee structure.  While the...

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Thank you for your proposal!

Thank you for your Proposal! In the next few days you will receive a confirmation that the committee has received your proposal. Proposals will be peer reviewed by a panel chosen in a broad range of expertise from the AMIA membership. The Conference Committee uses the ratings from the Peer Review panel to schedule the conference. The goal of the Conference is to present an broad-based program that speaks to the wide range of attendees with a...

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