Call for Stream Proposals

Streams are a curated series of sessions (4-5 sessions) of 60 minutes each with a common theme that are programmed on a single day.  The stream can be stand-alone sessions, or can be progressive – building on each other throughout the day. There are multiple streams during the conference (typically one per day), and can address broad topics or specific issues facing the field that are of broad interest. In February the Conference Steering...

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Thank you for your Stream proposal!

Thank you for your proposal.  Within a few days, you’ll receive a confirmation that we’ve received your proposal. You’ll be notified by the committee about your proposal before the Call for Sessions and Workshops goes out in late March.   If you have any questions, please contact us at  

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Workshop schedule is subject to change. All workshops must meet a minimum attendance by September 1, 2014.  Any workshop that has not met minimum attendance may be cancelled.  Should a workshop be cancelled, any registration fees for the workshop will be refunded.   TUESDAY . October 7, 2014 8:00am – 5:30pm . Pre-registration required Workshop: Small Gauge Projection and the Art of Projector Maintenance and Repair Chair and Speakers Taylor...

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Archival Screening Night

Archival Screening Night

We are accepting submissions for the 2014 edition of Archival Screening Night. This year’s event will take place on Thursday, October 9 at the Lucas Theatre, immediately following this year’s Award presentations. The AMIA Archival Screening Night provides conference participants with an opportunity to showcase recent acquisitions and preservation efforts. Conference participants interested in submitting material for screening should...

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2014 Poster Session FAQ

2014 Poster Session FAQ

What is a poster session, anyway? Poster sessions are a common feature of professional meetings, especially in fields where research and innovation play a major part. They are often scheduled to coincide with receptions or meals, to encourage the largest possible number of attendees. In general, posters presentations are less structured than a paper presentation, but they allow for greater and more detailed exchange of information and personal...

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Information for Session & Workshop Chairs

Information for Session & Workshop Chairs

Thank you for serving as a Session Chair for the 2014 Annual Conference! Much of the success of the conference rests on the efficient and consistent execution of our presentations, workshops and sessions. We know that a well-prepared Session Chair can help ensure that the speakers give high quality, trouble-free talks and that the audience appreciates the entire session.  Your program coordinator is available to guide you through the logistics,...

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Tips for Speakers & Presentations

SPEAKING Have a beginning, a middle and an end to your talk. Preferably make the end the same as the beginning. In other words start off by saying something, expand on it, exemplify it, give examples of what you did, quote what other people said about it, what they thought, what you thought about what they thought, how this changed your /their behavior, then – when all seems lost go back to the beginning and remind everyone about what you are...

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