Do you want to help newcomers to the AMIA Conference?


As you may know, there has been a growth in the number of people attending the conference over the last few years. For newcomers (and even long-time conference goers) it can be overwhelming. Last year, the conference introduced a group of Conference Navigators.  The Navigators, or what some organizations have called a “Hospitality Committee,” served as official welcomers to newcomers, and a helping hand to anyone who might need a bit more help in navigating the conference.

This year we’re envisioning about 15 Navigators. We want to invite AMIA members to participate!

Navigators will be able to attend sessions and events as you always have, but here’s what we would ask
of you –

  • Let us post your name, a short bio, and your picture on the conference website so that newcomers can recognize you at the conference
  • Wear a ribbon or special badge identifying you as a Navigator
  • Be introduced at the Conference Orientation – just before the opening night reception at the conference
  • Be welcoming and proactively look out for those who might need assistance navigating the conference – newcomers, students, international attendees, those whose primary language is not English and anyone else who just looks lost!

The goal in creating the Navigators is to make the AMIA conference a more welcoming and inclusive event for everyone. We know you’d be great and would very much appreciate your consideration.

If you’re interested in participating, please let us know – we hope we’ll be able to have a full list of 15 Navigators very quickly!   We’ll need a photo and short bio for the website, too.

Thank you –
Casey Davis Kaufman
Teague Schneiter

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