Poster: Digitization, Metadata, and Commercial Licensing of Local Texas Television News

Anna Esparza, University of North Texas

The presenter will define and explain pre-digitization and post-digitization workflows for a local Texas television news collection held at the Special Collections Department of the University of North Texas Libraries (UNTL), and how licensing digitized materials continue to fund their on-going efforts. UNTL has worked to digitize over 60 years’ worth of historical film and provide online digital access to news programming that was originally broadcast under the name WBAP-TV, and later NBC 5/KXAS-TV. Revenue from commercial licensing contributes an increasingly significant percentage of the funding needed to make the collection digitally accessible. The workflows developed streamline the digitization and metadata process by taking the guesswork out of archival digitization and allowing metadata creation to take place without access to the archival materials. UNTL has been able to create a searchable library of 70,000 news segments, which has become a valuable source of archival footage.


Digitization, Metadata, and Commercial Licensing of Local Texas Television News

AMIA 2021 | November 17-20

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