Preserving Film Collections for the Future: An Essential New Web Application

Jean-Louis Bigourdan, Image Permanence Institute/RIT
Alex Bliss, Image Permanence Insitute/RIT

Implementing the best possible preservation strategy is an intricate and difficult process. IPI worked on an NEH-funded project to create a web-based application called The objective of the project was to design a tool for self-education and to provide an easy-to-implement decision-making platform for preserving film materials. In essence, is designed to bridge the gap between what is known today about film stability and what can be done to make preservation efforts in any repositories a reality. provides access to critical information in a concise format, and most noticeably guides preservationists through the process of making informed decisions on optimizing the longevity of film collections. Many otherwise tedious tasks are facilitated by to make collection personnel self-reliant in their effort to preserve film materials. During the session, panelists will present for the first time, discuss its origin, purpose, methodology and architecture in an attempt to foster film preservation efforts and sustain them over time.


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