


Help us see things more clearly…

In 2020, AMIA turns 30.  The Moving Image Journal has two special issues planned.  Instead of a Forum section in these issues, the issues will feature an “archive” of our members’ thoughts about the organization and the changes it has undergone over the past 30 years. These will be limited to 280 characters (Tweet-style).

Live-tweet during the conference!





Not on Twitter?  Not a problem.  Email your response here:  editor@themovingimage.org.  We’ll post as many as we can (if you don’t want yours posted, just let us know!).




The Moving Image Call for Short Papers

AMIA – 20/20 in 2020

The Moving Image 20.1 – 30 Years of Preservation
The Moving Image 20.2 – 30 Years of Access

As AMIA and The Moving Image near their 30th anniversary, we find ourselves in the mood for reflection…and projection.

In a linked pair of special anniversary issues, The Moving Image considers the state of our field(s) and AMIA’s role. Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we going?

We seek short, less scholarly contributions (profiles, interviews, position papers, etc.) that think BROADLY about our field(s) and our organization. Our general themes are preservation for 20.1 and access for 20.2. [Note: they are separated here for organizational purposes only!]

Topics include but are by no means limited to:

  • Collection highlights
  • Evolving role of archivists
  • Analog vs. digital
  • Archival diversity
  • Accounts of major archival projects or initiatives
  • Interviews with archivists, donors, filmmakers, distributors, etc.
  • Past and future challenges

Send inquiries to Devin Orgeron – editor@themovingimage.org

20.1 – 30 Years of Preservation – Drafts due January 15, 2020
20.2 – 30 Years of Access – Drafts due by April 15, 2020

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