Roundtable Discussions

As part of the 219 Pavilion, there is an opportunity for members to hold small group Roundtable Discussions on topics facing the field or among groups with shared interests/concerns.  Roundtables will be scheduled in the Pavilion on Thursday and Friday (Nov 14/15).

Roundtables are informal, collaborative discussions that explore specific topics and issues in a small group (tables are limited to 10 people). There is no presenter or speaker, and they are open to anyone with an interest in the topic. During these small group topical discussions, everyone’s voice is heard and there is a facilitator for support.

Roundtables can also be an opportunity for groups of people to assemble without a topic who have shared interest/concerns and want to have a group conversation.

Do you have a topic or group discussion you would like to introduce at a Roundtable?

Recommend a topic for discussion with fellow attendees.  The Roundtables will allow our community a forum to: discuss and brainstorm approaches to particular challenges; gather feedback about a project idea that will affect the field; brainstrom opportunities for collaboration to solve problems; or just a chance to share experiences and ideas around a particular issue.

Send us your topic or group discussion (1-2 sentences) – if there are more discussions than we have time for in the schedule, we can open it up to a vote of the attendees.


2019 FACILITATION WEBINAR: As part of AMIA’s commitment to encouraging conversations around critical issues facing our profession, including issues around diversity, equity and inclusion, AMIA is dedicated to empowering and enabling members to discuss such critical topics beyond the framework of panel discussions, networking events, and workshops.

In advance of the conference, we’re hosting a training on facilitation techniques on Friday, November 1 at 10am PT / 1pm ET. This training and open discussion is open to all members, conference attendees, and in particular those who submitted roundtable proposals. RSVP for the webinar here.


Deadline for Topic Suggestions: October 28, 2019

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