Small Group Roundtable Discussions

As part of the new pAVilion at AMIA 2018 we are adding the opportunity for members to hold Small Group Roundtable Discussions on a variety of topics facing the field on Friday, November 30th. Roundtables are informal, collaborative discussions that explore specific topics and issues in a small group (tables are limited to 10 people). There is no presenter or speaker, and they are open to anyone with an interest in the topic. During these small group topical discussions, everyone’s voice is heard and there is a facilitator for support.  Seating is first come/first served.

Would you like to lead a small group roundtable?  There are time slots available onsite – just sign up at the registration desk or at the door to the pAVilion.  We’ll promote on the mobile app during the conference.


Schedule for Friday, November 30th


10:00am – 11:00am
Advocacy for Moving Image Archivists and Archives

The Advocacy Committee of the Board (ACOB) was formed in 2018 to further the goals of audio-visual archivists worldwide. This is an opportunity for conference attendees to meet, question, and discuss the recent Advocacy Survey, and to give general feedback to the ACOB. – Pamela Vadakin & Rachel Beattie, ACOB co-chairs


10:00am – 11:00am
NFPB Local Television Preservation Summit

The National Film Preservation Board will be supporting a local television preservation summit in 2019. What do we see as the primary goals for such a meeting and who do we think are the key stakeholders? This round table desires to brainstorm “out of the box” ideas… – Caroline Frick, Texas Archive of the Moving Image


10:00am – 11:00am
Digital Humanities & Audiovisual Collections.

A chance to discuss tools, experiences, and projects, that utilize DH methodologies with audiovisual materials and collections. A place to share knowledge, resources, and foster collaboration. – Dave Rodriguez, Florida State University



11:00am – 12:00pm
Archives and Labor

The following situations in our landscape have become untenable: contract positions, fear of losing employment due to being “political/controversial/etc,” invisible work, and lack of unions. How can we, as a community, begin to counter these things and fight it together? How can we support each other & perhaps reeducate the employers? – Ariel Schudson

11:00am – 12:00pm
Licensing an Archival Collection to Third Parties

In lieu of the proposed Licensing Workshop, this roundtable will cover the basics of licensing an archival collection to third parties. We will discuss common questions and issues, eg how to draft a policy, how to set up rates, privacy rights and other issues to consider, and how to draft clip license agreements. – Jenni Matz, Television Academy Foundation


12:00pm – 1:00pm

Personal Advocacy in the Workplace

Join the Advocacy Committee of the Board and the Continuing Education Advisory Task Force to discuss advocating for oneself in the workplace. Topics could include professional development, soft vs hard skills, work/life balance, workplace respect and dignity, salary negotiations, and managing up. Bring your concerns, challenges, and ideas! – Karma Foley, ACOB co-chair & Andy Uhrich, Education Committee and CEA Task Force co-chair

12:00pm – 1:00pm
SMPTE Standard 2114 C4 Hash ID for Metadata Correlation
Erik Weaver, Western Digital


2:00pm – 3:00pm
DCP Encryption & Archiving Encrypted DCPs

DCP encryption and archiving encrypted DCP’s.What are the pros and cons. Shouldn’t archives be the exception and insist on non encrypted DCP’s? cons outweigh the Pro’s. I feel the fight isn’t over yet.- Provisional – facilitator needed


2:00pm – 3:00pm
What Do You Want Out of Your Next Video Access Platform?

AVP is currently developing aviary, a web-based platform that provides enhanced search for audiovisual content through fully-searchable and interactive transcripts, indexes and annotations. As we are approaching our first release, we want to know how aviary can be improved to solve specific needs from organizations and end users. In what other ways can we take advantage of technology to improve discoverability? Join us in this conversation about the future of access to AV collections. We want to hear from you! – Pamela Vizner Oyarce


2:00pm – 3:00pm
Potential Oral History Committee for AMIA

There is significant interest in starting an oral history committee for AMIA. This roundtable seeks to discuss the potential applications of interview, documentation, oral history & testimony for the AV Archives community? What can oral history archivists and practitioners share with other archivists? How can oral history be utilized by the AV archives community? – Teague Schneiter, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences; Jenni Matz, Television Academy Foundation; and Anne Marie Kelley, Shoah Foundation



3:30pm  – 4:30pm
Increasing Diversity in the Moving Image Archive Field

The National Film Preservation Board is researching and drafting an ambitious report on the state of diversity, equity and inclusion in the field. In this discussion, we invite people to identify some of the obstacles to ensuring training, entry and advancement within the field. What are the factors creating these problems that you see? We also want to imagine/brainstorm strategies to address these obstatcles? For example, are there archival training, outreach, mentorships/traineeships that could be envisioned and pursued? – Teague Scneiter and  Dennis Doros, NFPB Task Force


3:30pm – 4:30pm
Staying Active in AMIA after Retirement

Staying active in AMIA after retirement. The first generation of AMIA members are beginning to retire from their jobs. How does AMIA keep these elders involved and ensure the association remains relevant for retirees? – Wendy Shay, AMIA Founding Member



4:45pm – 5:45pm
Media Archivist, Media Conservator, or Both?

Media archivist, media conservator, or both? This roundtable will provide an in-person opportunity to discuss the relationship between media archiving and media conservation, hopefully highlighting the ways in which the fields can overlap and collaborate as they continue to evolve. Provisional – facilitator needed


4:45pm – 5:45pm
Focus on Inclusivity for Moving Image Archive Education

How can Moving Image archive education be modeled to be more inclusive? One opportunity may include low cost online education to disadvantaged communities and individuals who might be interested in moving image archiving. This roundtable will discuss the cost prohibitiveness for inclusion in the field, a lack of geographic diversity, and opportunities for international outreach. How can we best reach and support archivists, librarians and others from outside the field of AV archives that need or want basic skills in AV preservation? This roundtable will also explore the need for hands-on, tangible skills. – Andy Uhrich, AMIA Education Co-Chair and Teague Schneiter, AMIA Board

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