Sustaining the Profession Session

Friday | 4:45pm – 5:45pm
Sustaining The Profession: Continuing Education, Professional Advocacy, and Equity
Yvonne Ng, Witness, Moderator

In 2019 the National Film Preservation Board funded a report on diversity, equity and inclusion in the audiovisual archives field.  Working in collaboration with the NFPB’s Diversity Task Force, AMIA fielded a survey for members and the broader archives community gathering data on age, race/ethnicity, sexual identity, level of education, years of professional experience, and other factors to examine how they might interact to affect salary, employment, and professional advancement.  The results of that survey, as well as multiple in-person and online forums, resulted in a number of recommendations to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the audiovisual archives field, as well as new potential collaborations and projects.  This session will report on those findings as well as offer an opportunity to discuss the recommendations in an open forum.


The Reports

  • Advocacy Committee Report
  • CEA Task Force Report
  • NFPB Diversity Task Force Report
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