We Are AMIA Call for Lyrics!

In the words of Snowden Becker, the keynote at AMIA 2018, “I think we’ve found our anthem!”.

AMIA would like to feature your community, committee, archive, special interest group, etc. in the AMIA song. This is a chance for you to join in the celebration and declare “yes, WE ARE AMIA!” (there’s already a punk version in the works!)

Submit your lyrics by July 31st. Up to three winners will be chosen to have their lyrics featured in the song at the next conference. You will also be able to select a representative from your group to sing the verse!

To get you into the flow, here’s the link to the video, and you can find the lyrics here.

Lyric guidelines …

  • First line should include use of the word “frame(s)”.
  • Lyric meter should fit the structure/style of one of the verses in the current version. Don’t worry about making the meter match perfectly. We can work together to make it fit.
  • For verse 1 style, make sure to use the phrase “… but you’re not gonna like it!”
  • Tag line: the last line of the verse should start with “Who knew… ?” response “We Did!”

If you have any questions, please contact John Polito john@audiomechanics.com.

Happy wordsmith-ing!


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