Workshop: Building a Web Archive-Capable Digital Repository

November 11, 2021
8:30am – 12:30pm (Pacific)

Interested in web archiving, but don’t know where to start? Or even what tools to use and where to put your WARCS? In Building a Web Archive-Capable Digital Repository with Webrecorder and Archipelago, the teams from webrecorder project and Archipelago will walk you through how to capture websites using open-source tools like and how to upload them to a digital repository using Archipelago, an open source digital collections software supported by the Metropolitan New York Library Council NYC.


  • Lorena Ramírez-López, webrecorder
  • Ilya Kreymer, webrecorder
  • Emma Dickson, webrecorder
  • Diego Pino, Metro NYC


Sign up for the workshop free with your conference registration.

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