AMIA 2024 | Registration

The conference offers parallel session tracks as well as workshops, screenings, receptions and the  Pavilion for exhibitors and activities.  Check back as conference events are added and note that the program session schedule may change.

In an effort to make the annual conference accessible to as many as possible, AMIA offers conference registration fees on a sliding scale. The categories listed next to “Full Registration” are intended to reflect factors that affect an attendees ability to attend the conference. The Supporter Level is for those able to support student and unsubsidized rates — your support assists your early career colleagues to be able to attend the conference! At the supporter rate, $100 of your registration is tax deductible and a donation letter will be sent to you.

AMIA Members also receive a $75 discount on registration fees. Look for the member rate when registering.

  • Full Conference: Student/Unsubsidized*
    $395.00 |  $320 member rate
  • Full Conference: GDP International**
    $395.00 |  $320 member rate
  • Full Conference: New Professional
    $445.00 |  $370 member rate
  • Full Conference: Mid-Level Professional
    $485.00 |  $410 member rate
  • Full Conference: Senior Level Professional
    $545.00 |  $470 member rate
  • Full Conference: Supporter
  • Workshop: Film Restoration Essentials for Small Archives and Non-Profits (Tuesday – Full Day) | $125
  • Workshop: Legacy Equipment: Maintenance & Repair Workshop (Tuesday – Full Day) | $125
  • Workshop: 16mm Bolex Filmmaking Workshop (Tuesday – Full Day) | $175
  • Workshop: Whisper AI Captioning and Transcription for Beginners (Tuesday – Half Day) | $65
  • Workshop: Curating AV Digital Exhibits with Annotations and IIIF (Tuesday – Half Day) | $65
  • Workshop | Community Archiving Workshop (Saturday) | $20

All workshops must meet a minimum enrollment no later than October 31st. Any workshop that hasn’t met the minimum enrollment by October 31 will be cancelled and all fees refunded.

* Unsubsidized applies to new and mid-level professionals who receive no support from your institution, and also includes part-time, between jobs, and retired.

** The International GDP Rate is for those living in countries whose GDP per capita rate is less than 60% of the US per capita GDP rate.  For example – the 2018 US GDP per capita was 62,606 – for those coming from countries with a GDP per capita less than 3,768 the discounted rate applies.  You may check the GDP per capita rates here.



Link to register




The conference will be headquartered at the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee Downtown. Room discounts end in October – please reserve your room ASAP.





AMIA is committed to cultivating an environment in which in a multiplicity of voices are sought, listened to and respected.  Travel Grants are open everyone, and we encourage applications from those whose work shows a commitment to inclusion and diversity in the field.  Travel Grants are open to members and to those who engage or plan to engage with the AMIA community.  While past funding recipients are eligible to apply, consideration is given to those who have not recently received funding.

Grants of up to $1,000 for travel to the annual Conference are available.

Savada Family Legacy Fund Travel Grants. The Savada Family Legacy Fund Travel Grant offers two grants, up to $1,000 each, in funding for travel costs to the annual AMIA conference.

AMIA Community Fund.  The Community Fund was established to pay tribute to the work of AMIA members and, through donations, offer colleagues, friends and families a way to honor contributions to the moving image field. The number of travel grants varies each year. Travel grants are funded through donations from members and donors so the number of grants varies each year.



Our registration information includes gender pronouns that will be included on name badges at the conference. AMIA is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment – we not only want people to be comfortable being themselves, we strive to  build a culture where we don’t make assumptions or pass judgment on each other. More information is here.

We know that the best communication and critical thinking happens when people with a wide variety of experiences and perspectives come together in comfort and safety as peers.  AMIA’s governance documents help us to create the culture we aspire to. We expect all participants in the AMIA community to approach their participation in online and in person events and discussions as helping to create thoughtful and respectful environments where that interaction can take place. If you experience harassment at an AMIA event, you may contact staff or Board members identifiable via name badges, or if not urgent, report online at this link.

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