Presenting Virtually at AMIA


Presenting on the virtual platform for AMIA 2021. If you have presented virtually at AMIA, we are using the same Engagez platform and will be working with Garrett, Danny, and Scott who worked with us in previous events. You can also attend a Tech Check, a chance to test screen sharing, and test your slides or videos. The Tech Check Schedule is below.





Tech Check Schedule

All tech checks are open to attend. Presenters can practice screen share, ask questions, or test video or sound elements of their presentations.

Wednesday, November 10 9:00am (Pacific)
Thursday, November 11 3:00pm (Pacific)
Friday, November 12 11:00am (Pacific)
Sunday, November 14 7:00pm (Pacific)
Monday, November 15 7:30am (Pacific)
Monday, November 16 12:00pm (Pacific)
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