
Please note that all Roundtables are capped at 25 attendees – this is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate.  Seats are first come/first served, and once the room capacity is reached, the room will be closed.




11:15 AM – 12:15 AM (Pacific)
Roundtable: Mentorship Relationships: Empowering the Next Generation of AMIA Leaders
Facilitator:  Ashley Franks-McGill,

As emerging professionals, we may have the skills to successfully and effectively manage projects and delegate tasks, but how do these management skills differ from leadership skills? How does one become a leader?  How do we set up a structure to engage new leaders and encourage exchange of information and knowledge across different age groups, sectors and communities in our field? How can encouraging and increasing mentorship opportunities empower those in our community to be their best selves, to speak up and let their voices be heard, to continue conversations about personal advocacy and professional development needs and to continue to support a cultural shift towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community within AMIA and moving image archiving profession overall. Mentorship has been happening informally across the AMIA and the broader field since its inception. For the new Mentorship program we are launching in AMIA, the goal is to enrich the lives and careers of mentorship participants by building communication, connection, cultural competency and joy in our professional community. This Roundtable gives us the chance to begin dialogue on how we should be defining the nature of the leadership needed in our field for the next generation of AMIA leaders.

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Pacific)
Roundtable: Out of Range: Inherent Bias in Preserving Skin Tones
Facilitator:  Candace Ming, National Museum of African American History and Culture

Broadcast range values are based on film color cards, but as leader ladies have shown us both film and video color and lighting values don?t account for darker skin tones. This roundtable is an open discussion of preservation practices in film and video in accurately capturing skin tone values.





11:15 AM – 12:15 AM (Pacific)
Roundtable:  Reconciling Environmental Concerns and Archiving
Facilitator:  Amit Patil

The task of archiving demands utilizing (at least some) resources that contributes to overall environmental concerns and barely recognized. A discussion entailing how we archivists could reconcile with this dilemma

2:15 PM – 3:15 PM (Pacific)
Roundtable: Prioritizing Labor Issues Within AV Archiving
Facilitators: Brianna Toth, Academy Film Archive; Brenda Flora, AMIA Advocacy Committee Cochair; Amber Bales, California College of the Arts Library Technician

Drawing from what we learned from Trisha Lendo’s session on unions for the 2019 AMIA Conference, SCA’s 2020 labor issues survey results, ACOB’s 2019 report, and the most recent CEA Task Force webinar on unions and labor we will try to distill more granular topics within the top 3 concerns expressed by our community: salaries, temp/short-term employment and diversity. My identifying specific issues within these topics, Brianna will write a report to the board advising on next steps to address these issues with the help of AMIA and it’s various committees and task forces and incorporate the results from the 2020 salary survey when that data becomes available.



1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Pacific)
Roundtable: BIPOC Roundtable 2
Facilitator: May Haduong, Academy Film Archive

Following up on last year’s BIPOC Roundtable this year we will be discussing issues around representation, race, diversity and ethical inclusion in archives and hiring. This roundtable will be providing a safe space to discuss these issues and personal situations as well as talking about the formation of an affinity group.

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